Auto Burglary Suspects Arrested in Laramie
Two men have been arrested for “multiple auto burglaries” in the Laramie area.
According to an official press release, the Laramie Police Department has announced the arrest of Kyle Hopkins and Jeremiah Smith, both 18 years old, were arrested in the early morning hours of October 26th, following a call from an alert citizen.
According to the release, officers responded to reports of a car’s dome-light on in the area of the 1200 block of Curtis in Laramie. Officers began their investigation at about 2:40 a.m. on Friday and discovered that several cars had been entered. Hopkins and Smith were stopped in the area and subsequent investigation showed that the men were in possession of stolen property.
Laramie Police say that auto burglary is one of the most prolific crimes in the city. They go on to advise that most times, auto burglaries are crimes of opportunity and can, sometimes, be prevented simply by locking automobile doors and by not keeping expensive items in one’s car.
The official release also said that anyone observing suspicious activity should notify police immediately.
Burglary from a Vehicle is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than ten years, a fine of not more than $10,000, or both.
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