Believe it or not, Wyoming has quite a few things about it that could be considered stereotypical of the Cowboy State. They might not be considered that by anyone that isn't from here necessarily, but if you have spent enough time in Wyoming, whether you are originally from the state, or if you have just happened to catch on after moving here and living here for a decent amount of time, you know that these things are definitely what you will experience throughout any and all parts of Wyoming.

I must admit, I'm not originally from the Cowboy State. However, given that I have lived here for about three years now, I have caught on to several things about Wyoming that are not so typical of almost any other states. If they gave out awards for originality in the U.S., Wyoming is definitely one of a kind.

While some of the things you see on this list may be in other states also, there is no way that you will see all of them in any other state. From someone who has moved around quite a bit in their career, I can tell you that no other state has what Wyoming does in the collection of all these particular characteristics. And there are definitely some things on this list that you don't see anywhere else whatsoever.

So the following are everything that you will experience when you come to the Cowboy State and also, a collection of things that you only experience the complete list of, in Wyoming. Enjoy!...

23 Things That Are Just Sooo Wyoming!

Google Maps
Google Maps

307 Pride

The entire state of Wyoming is in the 307 area code and there are so many things throughout the state that give off that very representation. Whether it's in a business name, some sort of signage, or even a sticker you might see on a passing car, the 307 is well represented.

David Becker, Getty Images
David Becker, Getty Images

Universal UW Pride

If you're going anywhere in the state of Wyoming, you better be a University of Wyoming fan already, or become one. The school is well represented no matter where you are in the Cowboy State. And for a state that is known as having a small population, there is never a shortage of Pokes fans anywhere!

Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media
Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media

We Have Mixed Feelings About Cheyenne Frontier Days

Sure, Cheyenne Frontier Days can be one of the most fun festivals you could go to throughout the entire country. But what is with all the people? There are so many out-of-towners and you can't go anywhere that's not packed for the entire 10 days. It's like a glass case of mixed emotions. We still love CFD, but if only we could limit it to...I don't know... maybe just Wyomingites? That probably won't happen. Fine, we'll deal with everyone else.

Seneca Riggins, Townsquare Media
Seneca Riggins, Townsquare Media

The Fact That We Actually Exist...Wait, Do We Exist?

Of course we actually exist here, despite what you may see on Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, or every other social media platform on the face of planet. Yes, Wyoming is a real place and you are all living in it. I mean, what other place on Earth has every single one of the places we just listed inside of it? Nowhere! Only in Wyoming! Maybe that's the real reason why people think we don't exist.

30 Ways To Say You're From Wyoming Without Saying You're From Wyoming

These are the most mentioned ways to say you're from Wyoming, without actually saying you're from Wyoming.

- 30 Ways To Say You're From Wyoming Without Saying You're From Wyoming

Here Are Words And Phrases That Drive Wyomingites Crazy

There are certain words or phrases that when you hear them it makes your skin crawl. We headed to social media and asked you to share what words or phrases drive you crazy when you hear them. Here's a collection of the top 12 from what you shared with us.

- Here Are Words And Phrases That Drive Wyomingites Crazy

Code Of The West: Wyoming State Code of Ethics

"The Code of the West" was declared the official state code of Wyoming, and the act was signed into law on March 3rd, 2010. Wyoming is the first state to adopt a code of ethics. The legislation chose ten ethics derived from the book "Cowboy Ethics" by James P. Owen

10 Reasons Why You're Lucky to Be Living in Wyoming

Here Are the Top 10 Reasons Why You're Lucky to Be Living in Wyoming

- 10 Reasons Why You're Lucky to Be Living in Wyoming,

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