Three Casper-based entrepreneurs have cued construction on a 10,000 square foot billiards hall in Evansville, Wyoming.

Founders Reed Merschat, Randall Moser and Colby Frontiero are hopeful the building will be complete in early 2024.

"Mint Billiards" will feature modern equipment deesigned for both recreational and serious players.

In a recent statment, the founders said they are eager to offer their love of the sport, quality craft foods and drinks to Central Wyoming.

“We strive to give the 450 year old game of pool the respect it deserves with high quality environment, equipment, lighting, drink and fare” said Merschat.

Until completion of the new construction in Evansville, Mint Billiards is providing a private,
secondary location in downtown Casper to start the 2023/2024 USA Pool League session.

Those joining the league will need teams of five people with an additional alternate or substitute.

USA Pool League players will have exclusive access to the temporary, private location for Tuesday practice sessions and Thursday league play.

For those interested in the Rocky Mountain USA Pool League, reach out by email to:

“Pool is a sport that can be played by almost anyone without restriction. Our mission is to provide the best possible experience to the beginner and professional alike” said Moser.

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