The conversation popped up last week about how often we clean our houses. As a single guy, I may do a full-on clean once a month. That's not saying I don't pick up and do dishes every few days, but I don't clean every day. If you're married and have a family, you're probably cleaning up much more often than I do.

So to get a better grasp of the situation, we did an 'unofficial' poll that asked the simple question:

How often do you clean your house?

A simple question, but the most common answer given never even crossed my mind. According to the our poll, the most common answer is simply 'EVERY DAY'.

For many, the question wasn't quite clear enough and after reading the answers and checking in with Good Housekeeping, this could've been a 14 part question.

The definition of 'house cleaning' has to be used loosely, because there are so many different parts to the cleaning of one's house. has the definition of housecleaning as:

the act of cleaning a house, room, etc., and its furnishings, especially the act of cleaning thoroughly and completely.

Good Housekeeping has a list of how often you should 'clean' everything...I may be disgusting.


  • Make Bed
  • Clean Coffee Maker
  • Clean Dishes
  • Wipe down counters and table
  • Do laundry
  • Sweep Kitchen Floors
  • Wipe down bathroom
  • Squeegee Shower
  • Sanitize Bathroom

Every Week:

  • Mop
  • Scrub Bathroom
  • Clean Mirrors
  • Dust
  • Vacuum
  • Change Bedding
  • Toss expired food
  • Wipe down kitchen appliances
  • Clean microwave
  • Sanitize Sponges

Every Month

  • Vacuum vents and woodwork
  • Clean light fixtures
  • Dust Blinds
  • Clean dishwasher, washer & dryer and vacuum

3-6 Months

  • Clean Fridge
  • Clean stovetop and oven
  • Wash shower curtain
  • Clean under furniture
  • Clean patio
  • Wash pillows and comforters
  • Vacuum mattress
  • Descale Coffee Maker
  • Freshen drains and disposal
  • Clean out freezer
  • Wash car

Every Year

  • Clean fireplace and chimney
  • Clean carpet and upholstery
  • Clean windows
  • Clean dryer vents
  • Clean curtains
  • Clear gutters

Yep, I feel dirty and sense that I need to spend the next 6 months catching up on all that cleaning. After reading all those lists, I feel like I am in the minority of cleaners for sure. Take a look at how often many said they cleaned.

How Often Do Most Wyomingites Clean?

15 Outrageous Wyoming Myths That People In The US Think Are True

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