Casper Fire-EMS took to their social media page on Friday to alert the community that smoke they might see coming from Casper Mountain is from a controlled burn.
Western states have less social acceptance for the practice because of the smoke, lack of funding and the occasional fire that escapes control, Kolden said.
Don't be alarmed.
The Casper Fire-EMS is conducting a controlled burn in south Casper this morning.
The fire department is burning a slash pile south of 15th Street and near the Municipal Gold Course.
A department spokeswoman said the controlled burn probably will be over by noon today...
DOUGLAS, Wyo. (AP) — Crews with the U.S. Forest Service plan to conduct a prescribed burn on the Thunder Basin National Grassland near the town of Weston.
Depending on weather conditions, the "Pappy's Pasture Prescribed Burn" could be started as early as Thursday...