Some Businesses In Wyoming Granted Exceptions, Reopen
Johnson County Health Officials have allowed three businesses there to reopen.
Johnson County Public Health Nurse Manager Trisha Thompson said Health Officer Dr. Mark Schueler granted the exceptions to the Buffalo Athletic Club along with Penny's Shearing Shed and Laquered up Nail Salon.
Penny's Shearing Shed and Lacquered Up Nail Salon are located in Kaycee.
Thompson said Schueler made the decision after reviewing plans submitted by the businesses. He also took into mind that the businesses typically don't draw crowds.
Businesses in Johnson County that are looking at reopening are submitting their plans to the Johnson County Emergency Operations Command. From there, they will be forwarded to Schueler for review.
Meanwhile, a bar in Pinedale is opening an outside bar, though officials there say the move is inadvisable.
The Sublette County Sheriff's Office said on social media Tuesday that the Cowboy Bar is opening an outside bar where patrons will order their drinks and wait to be called on by the bartender when they're ready. A separate person will handle money exchanges.
"The plan while not advisable is not illegal according to the current orders if patrons adhere to the social distancing protocols and groups less than 10," the sheriff's office said. "The Sheriff’s office did NOT give permission however we directed the owner to the County Health Officer, Dr. Fitzsimmons, for additional guidance. After speaking with Dr. Fitzsimmons, he agreed it is not illegal in regards to the state health orders but not advisable."

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