Republican Convention Gets Underway [OPINION,PHOTOS]
After delays caused by tropical storm Issac, the Republican National Convention got underway yesterday, August 28th, in Tampa. With a 2PM start and a projected 11PM finish the delegates knew that it would be a marathon session.
The business of the day including adopting the platforms and resolutions, adoptopting the rules of the convention and accepting the credentials report, all went smoothly with a few exceptions. There were those that took exception to a couple of amendments that were proposed, and they made their voice heard, although in the end following a voice vote, both amendments passed. Another note of dissension came when the credentials report was presented and the Maine delegation was denied credentials until the problems they had could be taken care of. After that the speeches started and continued for hours.
In my estimation there we some great speeches last night but a few that really stood out included Ted Cruz who is a Texas Senate nominee with a compelling story and an easygoing way in telling it. Ann Romney was an absolute hit last night. It is obvious that she is not a politician, but it is also obvious that she loves her husband, loves her family and loves her country. Ann Romney told the story of Mitt Romney that few know but many should. As an added surprise for convention goers, Mitt Romney came on satage at the end of the speech to escort his wife off the stage.
Nikki Haley Governor of South Caroloina was also a standout, talking about her states fight with immigration and voter ID the topics that spuured the crowd. Another highlight was a young lady named Mia Love, the Republican Party 2012 nominee in Utah's 4th congressional district, with a great introductory video and a tough and exciting speech, this young lady has a real future in Utah and possibly national politics.
And of course New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took the anchor position to get the crowd revved up at the end of the evening which he did with an interesting speech that touted his accomplishments and tied them into the direction that he feels the country should be going today. Christie spent the majority of the time speaking to his story and the accomplishments of his state and political leaders would do well to listen to the successes and look at his formula for the future.
On the entertainment side of things the delegations were treated to everything from the Oak Ridge Boys singing Amazing Grace to Three Doors down winding down the evening with alot more in between.
For political and news junkies it was a veritable who's who of personalities. Seen yesterday from the Wyoming delegation seats were Rand and Ron Paul, Rick Santorum< Newt Gingrich, The Romney Family,NBC's Brian Williams, CNN's Candy Crowley, FOX's Neil Cavuto and a host of others.
If there are any criticisms of the convention they would include the food, hot dogs and chicken fingers followed by 4oz waters that cost 2.50$ and the transportation which literally fell apart after the event last night with many riders on the busses for 2-3 hours.
Day 2 follows today with meetings, lunches events and of course another round of Convention tonight at 7. More to follow in this space in the days to come.
See Ann Romneys speech here.
Chris Christie's speech is here.
Mia Love's speech here.
And Ted Cruz from Texas is here.