307 Motors Owner Purchases Furniture Warehouse, Holding Sale All Weekend
Mitch Sorensen, the owner of 307 Motors, announced on Friday that he has purchased the old Furniture Warehouse building. Eventually, he'll be converting the warehouse into a showroom and shop for vehicles but, before that, he's selling all of the furniture that was left in the building!

"I was leasing my other building and couldn't get a deal put together, so this one became available and it came with all the furniture," Sorensen told K2 Radio News. "Whether that's fortunate or unfortunate for me remains to be seen."
He said that last part with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek, but he wasn't really kidding. Sorensen has a lot of furniture to sell, and not a lot of time to sell it; which is a good thing for Casper residents.
"Everything in here is priced from the old owners," Sorensen revealed. "We're gonna cut that in half. And then we'll cut it in a quarter next week and just keep pricing down and then whatever's left at the end of next week, we'll get with a few places like Mimi's House or Seton House and see if they have a need for anything. And then we'll recycle the rest."
What all of this means is that shoppers have a chance to get high quality furniture for very, very low prices.
Once everything is sold, Sorensen and his team will convert the entire warehouse into the new home of 307 Motors.
307 Motors is a car dealership that Sorensen started back in 2016.
"307 Motors was started in December of 2016 after I saw a need for affordable cars, and a little niche in the market for myself, and let's be honest, I wanted a schedule that allowed me to enjoy my kids as they grow up," the 307 Motors website states. "I worked at another small Mom and Pop shop here in town for a few years, and learned the basics to the automotive industry….the small guy way, and made my way from there. A handshake and your word with no pressure & quality vehicles."
Sorensen is the definition of a small business and his integrity is constantly on display with every car he sells. That integrity will be on display this weekend as well, with each piece of furniture he sells. And then, once the last foot stool is sold, 307 Motors will come home.
"The front section, we'll doll up real nice and make a pretty professional showroom," Sorensen stated. "We'll have a couple offices for sales and stuff. We'll be able to carry hot rods and ATVs and UTVs inside so they're not getting weather beaten. And then the backside will be our detail shop and mechanic shop. We'll get new pavement on the entire front of the building; getting the whole thing asphalted and leveled out. And then we'll put some garage doors put in down the road."
It's a big move for Sorensen, but it's one that's well deserved. He worked hard to own his own building and he will continue to offer Casper quality automobiles, sealed with a handshake.
But first, he's gotta sell a couch.
The sale will be taking place this Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. It will continue throughout the week from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Furniture Warehouse/307 Motors is located at 1701 E. Yellowstone Highway.
Photos of some of the store's inventory can be seen below:"
Furniture Warehouse Sale in Casper
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