Your Wyoming Statewide Voter’s Guide Is Here
You're not doing anyone any good if you are not an informed voter. In fact, you are doing more harm, than good, if you are not informed.
Yet finding out who is running and what they stand for is not easy. Most Wyoming candidates are not really good at getting the word out.
AT LAST - an online guide with a simple layout to help you look up who is running for what no matter where you are in Wyoming.
WYVote uses the Secretary of State elections officer for Wyoming along with each County Clerk serves and the Elections Officer for their County.
WYVote provides easy navigation to the official information on voting requirements, critical election dates, absentee voting, and polling places to ensure accurate and complete information is readily available to voters.
There is even an interactive map where you can click on your county and see who is running for what.
WYVote is a non-partisan 501(c)3 non-profit organization that does not support, endorse, or oppose any candidate or political party.
This is a good place to start to look up who is running. You'll find the name of the person running for each office along with their party affiliation.
What you will not find are links to many candidate websites or social media. You'll have to look that up for yourself, in most cases. Looking up candidates can be tough, on occasion, because some local candidates have not taken the time to figure out how to post on the internet.
Once you have their information it is actually easy to contact the candidate and have chat with them. Wyoming is a small state and most of its counties and towns are small. Talking to someone who is running for office is actually easy, in most cases.
WY Vote was launched by Gail Symons, a self-described civics wonk, as an effort to increase voter participation and civic engagement statewide.