The Wyoming Press Association is hoping to refile their case against the town of Mills and Bar Nunn and Casper looks into whether they can follow the lead of the two towns.
The Town of Mills will close its offices to the general public until further notice due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19, Mayor Seth Coleman said in a news release Monday morning.
"This is to limit our Town employees to public contact in order to continue operating smoothly and efficiently, and to ensure that services continue to be offered," Coleman said...
On July 17, Mills resident Leah Juarez requested that the town provide copies of invoices, assets, account balances and the contract between the Mills Professional Firefighters Association and the town.
The Town Council passed a resolution to save the library and operate it under Mills’ control, but the Council says it wants to hear directly from the residents.
The Town of Mills continues to pursue its lawsuit to determine the legality of the school district's decisions to close Mountain View after it had closed Mills Elementary.