Casper Man Charged with Six Theft, Burglary Felonies Involving...Casper Man Charged with Six Theft, Burglary Felonies Involving...The Assistant District Attorney said that Holliday's criminal behavior seems to be escalating.Kolby FedoreKolby Fedore
Casper Man Sentenced to 4-6 Years in Prison for BurglaryCasper Man Sentenced to 4-6 Years in Prison for BurglaryThe burglar took two poker tables and a custom Harley Davidson motorcycle along with tools from someone else's garage.Kolby FedoreKolby Fedore
Casper Man Arrested for Burglarizing $35K from GarageCasper Man Arrested for Burglarizing $35K from GarageCourt documents allege that O'Neal had conspired with the victim's girlfriend to commit the initial burglary, and finding the car key, committed a second burglary.Kolby FedoreKolby Fedore