Spring Plant Sale Calls For Donations [PHOTOS]
Gardeners who attended the Master Gardener's Spring Conference this past weekend came away with a wealth of new ideas and facts, but it doesn't stop there. Next month, the University Ag Resource Center, home of the Natrona County Master Gardener program, hosts its spring sale.
"We're getting ready for the annual Master Gardener's Plant Sale which will be on Saturday May 21. One of the things that's a big hit here in Central Wyoming is the plants that we get donated from other peoples gardens."
Horticulturalist, Donna Cuin, says those excess plants donated to the plant sale can be dug up and brought in or give them a call if you need some help.
Call the office, 235 9400, ext 29 and let us know what kind of plants you have to donate and we will make arrangements to send a crew out to dig those up and get them potted
And again the 2011 Master Gardeners Spring Plant Sale is Saturday, May 21st at the U-W Ag extension building, 2011 Fair grounds Road in Casper.