Meet To Discuss Changes In Bus Service [AUDIO]
Thanks to voters for approving the one-cent tax, Casper public transportation might be expanded. CATC and the Bus are seeking public feedback on the proposed changes. Marge Cole, director for CATC and The Bus, says one of the much anticipated changes would be to take the fixed route farther east to McMurry Business Park.
Extend route to McMurry Business Park:
"We're going to finally get to expand the fixed route out to McMurry Business Park and all the medical facilities, basically Hat Six. We're really excited about that because that not only will it help for people for medical appointments, it'll really help for jobs."
Ms. Cole says another proposed change is to add bus service on Saturdays.
Add Saturday bus service:
"We're going to add Saturday to the fixed route. We currently are recommending 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. That, of course, is subject to change, but right now that's what our preliminary plans are."
These are proposals at this point, says Cole, and the public is invited to two meetings to discuss the changes.
Two meetings for public discussion:
"We do get public comment. Actually, we have two meetings on, Wednesday,May 25th. The first one is going to be held at the Senior Center, 1831 East Fourth, from 12:30 to 2, and the second meeting will be at City Hall, 200 North David, in the Council Chambers from 5:30 to 7. And we will have all the changes posted, what we're thinking about doing, and everybody will have an opportunity to comment."
One change that financial consideration may force them to make is to discontinue CATC on Sundays. CATC provides bus rides made by advanced appointment. Ms. Cole says unless they suddenly come across a lot of money, Sunday CATC service will most likely end.