Cheyenne Wins Opening Round NW Regional Game vs. Helena
The American Legion Northwest Regional started on Wednesday in Gillette and four-time state champion Cheyenne Post 6 remained in the winner's bracket with a 7-1 win over Helena, Montana. Sixers pitcher Colter McAnelly threw 3 and a third innings giving no runs and 1 hit. Cheyenne's pitching allowed Helena just 4 hits and struck out 8.
At the plate, Nolan Horton went 1-2 with 2 RBIs as Cheyenne plated 4 runs in the 4th inning. They took advantage of a wild pitch that allowed a run to score and an error in left field that allowed another runner to cross the plate.
The Sixers are 61-14 and will play the Idaho State champion, Pocatello this afternoon in a winners bracket game. The action for today will start an hour earlier than originally scheduled due to impending weather and it will be a rolling schedule so they can try to get in all four games.
The tournament in Gillette runs the rest of the week and the winner advances to the Legion World Series in Shelby, North Carolina. Be sure and check out some pics in our gallery below plus a short video. Enjoy!