LARAMIE -- When the main gripe of the day is about streaming Hawaii Spectrum TV on a cellphone, things have obviously gone pretty well.

Wyoming sure loves winning trophy games. They retained the Bronze Boot after knocking off hated Colorado State earlier in the month and Saturday hung on to the Paniolo Trophy for another year after a 42-9 dismantling of Hawaii inside War Memorial Stadium.

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Unfortunately, the ultimate hardware -- the one with former Mountain West commissioner Craig Thompson's name etched into it -- will call somewhere else home this fall.

If only the Cowboys could win on the road, huh? That's something they have an opportunity to do next Saturday night in Reno.

Until then, let's take a look at the rants and raves from this big win:







* Turning point, unsung hero and what's next for UW football

* Behind the numbers: Wyoming vs. Hawaii

* Live File: Hawaii Rainbow Warriors at Wyoming Cowboys

* Kickoff Show: Will Bohl be back in '24?

Gear up for game day: Hawaii

Show us your picks: Week 12

Know Wyoming's Foe: Hawaii Rainbow Warriors

Around the MTN: UNLV QB Jayden Maiava the real deal

Cowboys, Hawaii battle for Paniolo Trophy at noon Saturday

Wyoming's battered, bruised Cole Godbout 'gutting it out'

Wyoming Cowboys in the NFL: Week 10

Wyoming Football: News and notes ahead of Hawaii

University of Wyomingโ€™s Top 50 Football Players

During the summer of 2021, counted down the Top 50 football players in University of Wyoming history, presented by Premier Bone & Joint Centers, Worthy of Wyoming.

The rules are simple: What was the player's impact while in Laramie? That means NFL stats, draft status or any other accolade earned outside of UW is irrelevant when it comes to this list.

This isn't a one-man job. This task called for a panel of experts. Joining 7220's Cody Tucker are Robert GagliardiJared NewlandRyan Thorburn, and Kevin McKinney.

We all compiled our own list of 50 and let computer averages do the work. Think BCS -- only we hope this catalog is fairer.

Don't agree with a selection? Feel free to sound off on our Twitter: @7220sports - #Top50UWFB

Gallery Credit:

- University of Wyoming’s Top 50 Football Players

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