If you've lived in Casper for any amount of time, I'm sure you've heard of the 7 Wonders of Casper. They are oddities or "wonders" found all around town. I happened to visit the Spiral Staircase to Nowhere, and it wasn't that wonderful. It was like a sideshow at a carnival. I thought we could do better. So we decided to make a name a new group of 7 Wonders of Casper.

In case you are wondering, the 7 Wonders of Casper are sometimes different depending on who you ask, and there are often more than just 7. Here is what we found.

  • The Egg Beater (formally the Wells Fargo tower)
  • The Echo Chamber at Library
  • The Spiral Staircase to Nowhere
  • Car in a Box (Street light)
  • Gravity Hill
  • Lookout Point
  • Hidden Clock
  • The Sundial (named The Confluence of Time and Place)
  • The Eternal Flame (Sinclar refinery)
  • Jewels of Downtown (jewel-encrusted manhole cover on Midwest.)

Before we name the new Wonders we will go over the ground rules. Like the 7 Wonders of the World, these items are all man-made. They are unique to the greater Casper area. They should have some historical significance or made great improvements in art, science, engineering, or community.

Introducing the New 7 Wonders of Casper

The Platte River Trails - Best Place To Stretch Your Legs


The Platte River Trails is truly a gem in Casper. You can bike, walk the dog, hike, or even find a place to float the river. The projects for the trails are growing year by year. From the dog park Dylan's Park, the Tate Pump House, and Bart Rea Learning Circle (the Labrinth,) to art all along with the trail, the Platte River Trails are truly a Wonder of Casper.

Wyoming Code of Ethics - The Cowboy Code Is A Great Way Live

Mlenny/Getty Images
Mlenny/Getty Images

It is not common that a State actually has a code of ethics in the State Constitution, but Wyoming does and it is the Cowboy Code. The YMCA has a mural of each of these codes, and they are poetry for the mind, soul, and body. It embodies what it is to be a Wyomingite. The cowboy code is:

  • Live Each Day with Courage
  • Take Pride in your Work
  • Always Finish What You Start
  • Do What Has to be Done
  • Be Tough, But Fair
  • When you make a Promise, Keep it.
  • Ride for the Brand
  • Talk Less and Say More
  • Remember that Some Things are not for Sale
  • Know Where to Draw the Line

Downtown Casper Best Place to Gather

Bill Schwamle, Townsquare Media
Bill Schwamle, Townsquare Media

Downtown Casper is a treasure trove of businesses and public gathering spots. With the 2017 Eclipse Festival, the town sprung to life with new gathering spots. David Street Station included. The downtown area has plenty of great spaces from Nic Fest to Parade Day.

Natrona County High School Best in Architecture

Kevin Koile, TownSquare Media
Kevin Koile, TownSquare Media

This building regularly makes the list of best schools for architecture. It was completed in 1927 and has a traditional gothic collegiate style. Students of NC often call it the castle for obvious reasons. We think it should be a wonder because of its unique character of architecture.

The Dam at Pathfinder Best in Engineering

Bill Schwamle, Townsquare Media
Bill Schwamle, Townsquare Media

While it is not technically Casper, the dam and power plant at Pathfinder is an engineering marvel. According to WyoHistory.com, Pathfinder Dam was added to the register of historic places in 1971 because of its pioneering and innovative design. It was finished in 1909 at a cost of 2.2 million dollars.

Resurgence in Art in Public Places

Bill Schwamle, Townsaure Media
Bill Schwamle, Townsaure Media

A quick drive or walk around Casper, and you are bound to find art in public places. From statues of horses and bison to colorful murals, and even painted electrical boxes, this town is packed full of art.

The Official 7 Wonders of Casper and Where To Find Them

The 7 Wonders of Casper is a series of roadside attractions. However, there are more than 7 Wonders on this list. Sometimes the name varies depending on who is telling the story. Some locations are elusive. Here are the Official 7 Wonders of Casper and where to find them.

Code Of The West: Wyoming State Code of Ethics

"The Code of the West" was declared the official state code of Wyoming, and the act was signed into law on March 3rd, 2010. Wyoming is the first state to adopt a code of ethics. The legislation chose ten ethics derived from the book "Cowboy Ethics" by James P. Owen



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