Application Period Open For Pheasant Hunts
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — The application deadline for hunters to apply for the Springer and Glendo special pheasant hunts is 5 p.m. on Sept. 15.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department stated that hunters may apply for the hunts online or through the mail.
Hunts at Springer start Oct. 18 and will run on certain days through Nov. 2. Two of the hunt days, Oct. 20 and 28, are reserved for youth under age 18.
The season for hunting at Glendo is Nov. 3 through Dec. 31. Glendo permits are required to hunt each Friday, Saturday, and Monday in November, and also Dec. 1-3. Permits are not required to hunt pheasants on other days during the open season. Sundays in November are set aside for youth-only hunts at Glendo.