Rep. Lummis Predicts Big Changes Under Ryan Speakership
Wyoming congresswoman Cynthia Lummis says she thinks new House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) may end up being one of the greatest House Speakers in U.S. history.
She says she expects things to get "exponentially better" under Ryan's leadership compared to former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). Lummis says she served on the House Budget Committee under Ryan's leadership during her first term in congress. She says he is ''absolutely dedicated to reforming Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and the tax code".
Lummis didn't spell out what sort of changes the speaker might advocate , other than to say they "involve cuts in some programs".
The Wyoming Republican says Boehner and others prevented Ryan from bringing his proposals up for consideration in the house. She says that led to a situation where house Republicans constantly criticized proposals supported by President Obama without putting forward any kind of alternatives.
She recently said she understood the disgust many people feel towards congress, adding "we're kind of disgusted with ourselves".
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