G.I. Bill 70th Anniversary Observed November 22nd With Dinner Event
Dean Welch, Commander of the George W. Vroman Post No. 2 of The American Legion reminded everyone about the observance of the 70th anniversary of the GI Bill that will be held at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel for all veterans but especially veterans, who have received benefits or are now getting the benefit of the GI Bill, on Saturday night November 22 beginning at 6:00 p.m.. Of course, all veterans and the public are invited to attend too.
To encourage attendance and with Ramkota’s help the cost is only $15 per person for the dinner and all the fixings that will be collected at the door. Reservations must be made so the hotel can be prepared for the crowd expected to attend this historic event. For reservations, call one of these numbers: 307-234-0246 or 307-258-0760, and if there is no answer please leave a message with the number of guests you are bringing.