Freezing Temps, Gardeners Beware
Freezing temperatures are expected for low lying areas of Natrona County tonight.
Temps may drop as low as 27 degrees along the North Platte river with higher areas holding in the mid 30s. Gardeners will want to take precautions with sensitive plants.
"Garden plants, if they are going to be exposed to freezing temperatures, should be insulated somehow and the most common way to do that is to put extra blankets over your vegetable garden overnight while the freezing temperatures are what they would be exposed to."
Horticulturalist, Donna Cuin, at the University Ag Extension office in Casper says row covers may not be enough. Temperatures are expected to bounce back as is typical for this time of year. However, Cuin says if your ready to call it the end for your garden, you can pull up tomato plants.
"Tomato plants can be hung and the fruits will continue to ripen on the vine that way. Many of the other garden vegetables you'll probably want to harvest if your going to give up on the garden because of cold temperatures."
Whatever you choose, don't forget, because tonight's temps may be the end of delicate flowers and vegetables without protection.
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