Spring is here and it's time for repairs to be made on Casper streets that had some issues over the winter. If you're driving in downtown Casper over this weekend, be on the lookout for detours and road closures.

According to the City Of Casper Facebook page, there was a water main break over the winter and after it was repaired the street crews used a temporary patch. In the post, street manager Shad Rodgers said they used a temporary patch to allow for settling.

Now that conditions have improved and they've given the street time to settle, the final repairs have begun.

Beech street is closed for repairs and Eastbound traffic is being re-routed on Durbin and Westbound on Collins

Casper Road Closed Map
Google Maps

Street crews will be working through the weekend to get the job finished. Plans are to re-open the streets on Monday April 4th.

If you rely on the Beech street LINK transfer plaza for bus service, you'll still be able to use it. The LINK Bus service will have special access to the transfer plaza.

If you need to do business in that area, you should plan on calling ahead to discuss where the best place to park and access the business will be for the next few days.

Road construction is always a little in convenient, but it is necessary for proper maintenance and repair. Be sure to take notice when the street crews out all over town taking advantage of the spring to try and get annual pothole repairs underway.

Beginning Wednesday, March 30th, the intersection of Beech and Collins Streets will be closed to allow City of Casper...

Posted by The City of Casper, WY on Monday, March 28, 2022

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Keep Casper Beautiful Public Art

Beginning in 2016 the City of Casper and Art 3-2-1 have been working together to wrap traffic light control boxes all over the city. New boxes are wrapped with original artwork from Natrona County artists.

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