Sept. 11 victims' loved ones will gather at ground zero to commemorate the attacks' anniversary with the reading of names, moments of silence and serene music that have become tradition.
NEW YORK (AP) — A federal health official is expected to announce soon whether people with cancer will be covered by an aid program for anyone sickened by World Trade Center dust.
An advisory committee recommended in March that the government open up the $4...
I was watching a documentary this week that focused on the children who lost parents in the 9/11 attacks, and followed them over the last ten years to see how they're doing today. It was equal parts heartbreaking and encouraging to see these kids growing up, and picking up the pieces from that awful day that changed so many lives. As we pause this weekend to remember the fallen, it's important t
When a pair of hijacked planes hit the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, almost 3,000 lives were lost — and it’s now coming to light that countless documents, records, and irreplaceable pieces of art were, as well.
The missing items include letters written by Helen Keller, tens of thousands of negatives of John F. Kennedy taken by his personal photographer, and pieces from famed sculptor Auguste