Casper will install fencing to keep out off-road vehicle, limit the noise from snowplows, clean up trash, and look at adjusting land contours to divert runoff.
Employees who accept the offer would receive a cash payment of $50 for every month of continuous service up to 20 years and health care premiums paid through December.
Casper City Council wants to know more about the firm it may hire to plan and conduct the events leading to the city's celebration of the total eclipse of the sun in August 2017.
"I would like to move to table this discussion to December the eighth at 4:30 to allow more time for contract negotiation and clarification," council member Steve Cathey said Tuesday...
Councilwoman Robin Mundell announced she will be resigning from the Casper City Council because of her husband's health, she said during a news conference at City Hall on Monday.
Casper City Council unanimously chose Assistant City Manager V.H. McDonald as the next city manager Tuesday evening.
"I thank council for the opportunity to continue to serve the city serve the council, serve the community; lead a great staff on the next few years to the good work Casper does and the city does," McDonald said after the vote on the minute action...
There’s still no word yet on whether Keep Casper Smoke Free's suit against the city of Casper will proceed to trial after both sides met for a summary judgment hearing earlier this year.
“I’m as anxious to hear back from the judge as everybody else,” Keep Casper Smoke Free co-chairperson Kimberly Holloway said...
Keep Casper Smoke Free says attorneys with the anti-smoking group, which is trying to overturn a partial repeal of the city of Casper's public indoor smoking ban, met with city attorneys for a summary judgment hearing last week.
“Both sides made motions to the judge basically saying that this really doesn’t need to go to trial,” Keep Casper Smoke Free co-chair Kimberly Holloway said on Wednesday..
Officials with Keep Casper Smoke Free say the anti-smoking group’s lawsuit against the city of Casper will go to trial next year.
According to a post on Keep Casper Smoke Free’s FundRazr page, the trial has been scheduled for March 2014...