It has been reported that yet again, 6 people were photographed after having left the boardwalk at the Grand Prismatic Springs, and walking on the Spring itself.
With all the crazy stuff happening in Yellowstone as of late, I thought I would put together a meme that would keep those with less than enough common sense out of trouble.
On Monday May 16th, photos and footage were posted online of four men going off of the boardwalk and walking out on the Grand Prismatic Spring at Yellowstone National Park, in violation of park policy.
Here we go again, with idiots in Yellowstone National Park, where a pair of tourists were worried that a bison calf was cold. reports “A father and son pulled up to the ranger station with a bison calf in their car...
The National Park Service's report says that last year's visitors spent more than $493 million in local communities through direct spending and labor income, the highest total recorded in four years.