Mark Kelly

Mark Kelly Vows To Go On With Gun Control Effort
Mark Kelly Vows To Go On With Gun Control Effort
Mark Kelly Vows To Go On With Gun Control Effort
WASHINGTON (AP) — The husband of former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords says their gun control advocacy group will target an ad campaign at senators who failed to support expanded background checks for gun buyers. Following Wednesday's defeat of federal gun legislation, Mark Kelly says the group first will run ads thanking senators who supported expanded background checks...
Husband Of Wounded Lawmaker Says Congress Must Act
Husband Of Wounded Lawmaker Says Congress Must Act
Husband Of Wounded Lawmaker Says Congress Must Act
WASHINGTON (AP) — The husband of wounded former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords says that while curbing gun violence is a complex problem, it is no excuse for inaction by lawmakers. Former astronaut Mark Kelly told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he and his wife, former Arizona Democratic Rep...