Governor Mead On Cindy Hill, Gay Marriage and More
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead was asked this week about the controversy over the so-called "Common Core" curriculum that has been adopted by 47 states, including Wyoming.
The proposed national curriculum seeks to establish a uniform set of standards for several subjects.
But it's the science section, particularly evolution and climate change, that has many conservatives demanding its rejection.
But when asked by K2 radio's Brian Scott, the Governor didn't take a stand pro or con.
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead talked with K2 radio's Brian Scott this week, and was also asked about the new television commercial endorsing gay marriage.
The ad features former Senator Alan Simpson, but the Governor isn't swayed.
Mead says his opinion on the subject of same-sex unions hasn't changed since he first ran for office.
Mead also says controversial State School Superintendent Cindy Hill should be allowed to resume her duties.
Mead says though, there are still some questions about her performance, and the new federal investigation should provide some answers.
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