Gov Welcomes Manufacturing Facility [AUDIO]
Wyoming's governor announced a new wind turbine manufacturing facility will be built in Cheyenne. At a press conference today (Tuesday), Gov. Matt Mead welcomed the announcement from Gestamp Renewables and the Worthington Energy Group that they will combine their venture capital to build the facility under the name Gestamp Worthington Wind Steel, LLC.
Manufacturing facility:
"They are going to come to Cheyenne and they are going to be manufacturing wind towers. They estimate by the time they have it up and running they can produce up to 300 wind towers per year, they anticipate they are going to employ roughly 150 people, they are going to build a facility that is roughly 160,000-square-feet."
Gov. Mead said there were reasons the joint venture decided to build the 40 million dollar facility in Wyoming.
Reasons companies come here:
"They saw that we had a manufacturing sales tax exemption, they saw that our Treasurer had the ability to issue industrial bonds and they saw that Wyoming was willing to step up and provide a substantial amount of money for workforce training. All of that was part of their package, but on top of that, I think it was also key that they saw that Wyoming is open for business, the welcome mat is out for business, both large and small and that is a great message for us to send out."
And, says Mead, this could be just the beginning of companies realizing Wyoming's business welcoming reputation.
Businesses will see advantages:
"The wonderful thing about this and the wonderful thing about their location is that they are going to be a beacon, a lighthouse, a magnet for other manufacturing companies and other distribution companies to come to Wyoming."