25 million in broadband development grants are on offer from the USDA's "Community Connect" program.  The grants target communities unserved by any broad band provider.

Program Administrator, John Addelsteen, for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, says dollars will likely go to low income communities, often tribal communities, without economic opportunity.

"Access to broad band can bring them enhanced  educational opportunities, access to health care through telemedicine, public safety information and communications and access to all kinds of economic opportunities and rural development."

Rules for the program require that recipients provide basic service to all community facilities free of charge for two years and that a community center is set up with at least ten computer access points free of charge.

It also requires matching funds and must serve an area where broadband does not exist.

Applications to the "Community Connect" program are currently being accepted.  All applications must be submitted to the USDA's Rural Utilities Service by May 3rd. Funding should be available by September.

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