2012 Drought

USDA Offers Steps Toward Drought Resistance
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture drought still covers 62 percent of the nation. Recent storms are taking the edge off, but there's still a ways to go to catch up on lost precipitation. In Washington, Agriculture Secretary, Tom Vilsack, announced recently several new actions to help producers effected by drought conditions...
Wet Weather May Not Turn Drought In Worst Areas
Wet Weather May Not Turn Drought In Worst Areas
Wet Weather May Not Turn Drought In Worst Areas
It seems that when fall came in the door the drought as a news story went out the window, but actually, "62.30 percent of the contiguous area of the United States remains in drought." U.S.Agriculture Department Meteorologist, Brad Rippey says that's down only about 3 percent from the peak number just a few weeks ago...