
NASA Builds Menu For Mars Mission
NASA Builds Menu For Mars Mission
NASA Builds Menu For Mars Mission
HOUSTON (AP) — A group of researchers is building a menu for a planned NASA mission to Mars in the 2030s, mixing and tasting the vegetarian concoctions they hope to send with the astronauts. Lockheed Martin senior research scientist Maya Cooper says the menu must keep the crew of six to eight astronauts physically and mentally healthy for the life of the mission...
Super Moon Saturday Night
Super Moon Saturday Night
Super Moon Saturday Night
There are some who are saying that the full moon coming Saturday night is responsible for the earthquake in Japan and they are bracing for more damage around the world.
The Challenger Disaster: 25 Years Later
The Challenger Disaster: 25 Years Later
The Challenger Disaster: 25 Years Later
Where were you on this date 25 years ago? What were you doing? i remember being glued to the television as this disaster was chronicled.President Ronald Reagan was to deliver his State of the State address and instead had to address the nation about the Challenger disaster...