Governor Matt Mead, in his closing remarks to the Wyoming House of Representatives Friday told lawmakers "we need answers on healthcare".

As the 2015 session came to an end, Mead said the legislature had many achievements.

He listed some of those as in-state tuition for veterans, protection for sexual assault victims, an interstate medical licensing compact, protection for private property and for agriculture, and work on the supplemental budget.

But the governor also brought up the legislature's rejection of expanding Medicaid, adding that one way or another the state needs to address healthcare.

Mead says among the healthcare questions that need answers include what to do about the roughly $200 million in uncompensated healthcare costs that Wyoming hospitals are facing every year, adding many small hospitals are operating with only a 15 to 20 day cash reserve.

He says additional problems include the money the state is paying into Medicaid that isn't benefiting Wyoming because of the refusal to expand the program, as well as the roughly 17,000 residents who don't have health insurance.

Mead told lawmakers that he's looking forward to any suggestions they may have about dealing with healthcare during the interim period between now and the next legislative session, which convenes in February of 2016.

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