The Casper Area Transit Transfer Plaza has been moved temporarily one block west from its Beech Street location to Durbin Street between the Rails to Trails and Collins Drive until 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 20, according to a press release from the Casper Police Department.

Casper Area Transit, operated by the City of Casper, temporarily transferred the location due to the closure of Beech Street between Collins Drive and Second Street for the Nicolaysen Art Museum’s NIC Fest 2023.

Riders may call the following phone numbers for service or assistance:

Casper Area Transit. City of Casper.
Casper Area Transit. City of Casper.
    • Fixed Route (Casper Area LINK) – 235-8287.
    • Dial-A-Ride Service (ASSIST) Hours of operation and service areas for the Fixed Route (the LINK) and Dial-A-Ride Service (ASSIST) will remain the same.– 235-8273.

College National Finals Rodeo-Tuesday

College National Finals Rodeo-Tuesday

Vigilant 23-2. Casper, Wyo. June 13, 2023

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