Hunters have killed two radio-collared wolves that roamed Grand Teton National Park, localizing a debate about the legal killing of "park" wolves used for research.
In anticipation of the hand off of wolf management from federal to state control, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department seeks comment on proposed hunting regulations.
At a meeting this Wednesday, April 4th at 7pm at the regional office in Casper, wildlife officials will review the plan and discuss proposed rules...
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Developments on the eighth day of the Budget Session of the Wyoming Legislature, Wed., Feb. 22, 2012:
BUDGET: Both the House and the Senate finished their first readings of the $3.2-billion budget bill recommended by the Joint Appropriations Committee...
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming lawmakers are set to consider changing the state's wolf management law to accommodate an agreement that Gov. Matt Mead and U.S. Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar reached last year on ending federal protections for the animals in the state...
Governor Matt Mead says the state and the federal government are close to an agreement on how to end federal protections for wolves in the state.
Mead met with Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, Thursday in Cheyenne.