Former Wyoming Trooper Gets Probation for Property DestructionFormer Wyoming Trooper Gets Probation for Property DestructionKing apologized in District Court, saying he regretted his actions.Associated PressAssociated Press
Former Wyoming Trooper Admits to Keying Car, Faces up to 10 YearsFormer Wyoming Trooper Admits to Keying Car, Faces up to 10 YearsA former Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper accused of stalking his estranged wife and keying her boyfriend's car has pleaded guilty to felony property destruction.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Wyoming Trooper Pleads Not Guilty To Stalking Estranged WifeWyoming Trooper Pleads Not Guilty To Stalking Estranged WifeThe Wyoming State Trooper who was charged with stalking his estranged wife and for destroying property pleaded not guilty April 7.SenecaSeneca
Wyoming Trooper Charged With Stalking, Property DestructionWyoming Trooper Charged With Stalking, Property DestructionA Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper could face up to 20 years in prison for allegedly stalking his estranged wife and vandalizing her boyfriend's car.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
UPDATE: Wyoming Trooper Under InvestigationUPDATE: Wyoming Trooper Under InvestigationA Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper has been placed on paid administrative leave pending an ongoing investigation by Cheyenne police.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Wyoming State Trooper Placed on Administrative Leave During Police Investigation [UPDATED]Wyoming State Trooper Placed on Administrative Leave During Police Investigation [UPDATED]The Patrol's Professional Standards and Conduct Division is also conducting an administrative internal investigation. Nick LearnedNick Learned