Opponents say the changes would have tripled the amount of time homeowners need to recoup the cost of installing solar power by selling unused electricity.
Wyoming News Service
Germany has pushed the U-S down a notch in a new report that tracks investments in the clean energy sector. The U-S is now third, Germany second and China is number one, according to the report from Pew Charitable Trusts… and the research finds a connection between those investments and strong clean energy policies. Peggy Beltrone with Exergy Integrated Systems says her compa
From Wyoming News Service
A study by Pew Environment Group finds the United States has the potential to attract billions of
dollars in private company investments in clean power over the next decade, and Wyoming's Top of the World Windpower project near Casper is cited as an example of that potential. The report shows how the nation has the most to gain compared to almost every G-20 member country