Wyoming Lawmakers Consider $7.5M in Funding to Reclaim WellsWyoming Lawmakers Consider $7.5M in Funding to Reclaim WellsThe funds would support orphan well cleanup and create oil and gas jobs during the economic downturn resulting from the pandemic.Associated PressAssociated Press
Cleanup Requirements Hold up Sale of Blackjewel Coal MinesCleanup Requirements Hold up Sale of Blackjewel Coal MinesBlackjewel attorneys say the companies will seek replacement bonds.Associated PressAssociated Press
Report: Cleanup of Abandoned Oil, Gas Wells Could Cost USReport: Cleanup of Abandoned Oil, Gas Wells Could Cost USAmerican Petroleum Institute spokesman Reid Porter said the industry group was reviewing the report and had no immediate comment.Associated PressAssociated Press
U.S. Agency Asked to Investigate Miner's Reclamation BondsU.S. Agency Asked to Investigate Miner's Reclamation BondsWestmoreland disclosed last month in an annual report submitted to securities regulators that it was considering filing for bankruptcy protection.Associated PressAssociated Press
Group Petitions Wyoming DEQ to End Self-BondingGroup Petitions Wyoming DEQ to End Self-BondingThe DEQ's revised rules regarding self-bonding are scheduled to go back before the Land Advisory Board in July.Associated PressAssociated Press
Federal Report Questions Wyoming Use of Reclamation MoneyFederal Report Questions Wyoming Use of Reclamation MoneyWyoming isn't required to spend all the AML funds appropriated for the state on reclamation of old coal mines but must give coal-related projects first priority.Associated PressAssociated Press
Gov. Mead Touts Mine Reclamation in WyomingGov. Mead Touts Mine Reclamation in Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead says the mining industry in Wyoming sets the highest standard for reclamation.Rich DenisonRich Denison