
University of Wyoming Educational Administration Degree Program Ranked Highly
University of Wyoming Educational Administration Degree Program Ranked Highly
University of Wyoming Educational Administration Degree Program Ranked Highly
The University of Wyoming is ranked among the nation’s top online Master of Educational Administration degree programs. That’s according to the Online Schools Center, which ranks UW among the nation’s top 20 such programs.  The list is not ordered numerically – instead, it features the unique strengths of each school based on factors such as accreditation, cost, financial aid availability, coursew
Laramie is the Best Small College Town in America
Laramie is the Best Small College Town in America
Laramie is the Best Small College Town in America
Laramie has once again been ranked highly on a list of the best college and university communities in the country. This time, Laramie is at the top of the list. College Values Online ranked Laramie number one on their list “50 Best Small College Towns in America...
Wyoming Ranks #2 In Trusting State Government [POLL]
Wyoming Ranks #2 In Trusting State Government [POLL]
Wyoming Ranks #2 In Trusting State Government [POLL]
North Dakota is at the top of the list, Illinois is at the bottom and Wyoming comes in at number 2 in trusting our state government. In polling that was done last year, Gallup asked the question, "How much trust and confidence do you have in the government of the state where you live when it comes to handling state problems--a great deal, a fair amount, not very much or none at all... Read Mo
Wyoming Ranks 21st In National Health Report
Wyoming Ranks 21st In National Health Report
Wyoming Ranks 21st In National Health Report
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — The 2011 America's Health Rankings finds that Wyoming residents aren't as overweight as some, but the scales are tipping in the wrong direction. Overall, Wyoming ranks 21st out of 50 states for health. The report released recently by United Health Foundation finds that Wyoming residents and the rest of the nation show troubling increases in obesity and diabetes rates... Read