Wisconsin Priest Digs in to Refuse Bishop’s Demand to ResignWisconsin Priest Digs in to Refuse Bishop’s Demand to ResignHe first came into prominence before the 2020 election with a fiery video on YouTube, saying Catholics who voted for Democrats risked going to hell.Associated PressAssociated Press
Priest Donates to Miners Affected by Blackjewel BankruptcyPriest Donates to Miners Affected by Blackjewel BankruptcySichko says he felt compelled to help the miners because he's the grandson of a Pennsylvania coal miner.Associated PressAssociated Press
Former Wyoming Catholic Bishop Faces Third Child Abuse AllegationFormer Wyoming Catholic Bishop Faces Third Child Abuse AllegationThe diocese reported the allegation to the Cheyenne Police Department and is cooperating with its investigation.Tom MortonTom Morton