Discover why Wyoming ranks as the 40th best state to have a baby in 2024. Factors like healthcare accessibility, cost, and family friendliness contribute to our ranking.
It has been a few weeks since the Casper couple, Chad and Catie Reay's, viral surprise pregnancy video melted hearts all over the nation. We had the chance to catch up to them and talk about the video and how it has impacted their lives.
In a true definition of going viral, this Casper couple's video has been picked up by a ton of outlets and has propelled it past 12 million views on the web.
CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A new study says wolves don't startle female elk that winter east of Yellowstone National Park sufficiently to make them lose weight or harm their birthing rates.
Previous researchers theorized that Yellowstone-area wolves frighten female elk into running frequently enough to reduce their ability to stay healthy and reproduce...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Check-ups during pregnancy tend to focus around the waist. But there's growing debate about which mothers-to-be should have a gland in their neck tested, too.
Numerous studies since 1999 have found that an underactive thyroid can raise a woman's risk of miscarriage, premature birth, or a lower IQ for her baby — even if it's so mildly sluggish that she feels no symptoms...
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