Game and Fish Department Often Relies on Public Tips to Catch PoachersGame and Fish Department Often Relies on Public Tips to Catch PoachersThe tow truck driver and another reporting party in this case each received a $750 reward for their information.Tom MortonTom Morton
Three Men Charged in One of the Largest Poaching Cases in WyomingThree Men Charged in One of the Largest Poaching Cases in WyomingThe men were convicted of multiple wildlife offenses and cumulatively fined $171,230 and $131,550 in restitutionKolby FedoreKolby Fedore
Wyoming Authorities Bust Accused Poachers Shown on National Television ShowWyoming Authorities Bust Accused Poachers Shown on National Television ShowElk Hunt Area 113 is highly coveted by elk hunters, the department says, with very few licenses available. Bulls in that area can only be harvested every other year. Nick LearnedNick Learned