UW Women Win Riverton Rodeo 9-27-20 {VIDEO]UW Women Win Riverton Rodeo 9-27-20 {VIDEO]The University of Wyoming ladies have a substantial lead in the Central Rocky Mountain standings.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino
UW Women Win Chadron St. RodeoUW Women Win Chadron St. RodeoThis was a great start for the Cowgirls.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino
UW'S Lensegrav Wins the Barrel Racing at Ropin' & Riggin' RodeoUW'S Lensegrav Wins the Barrel Racing at Ropin' & Riggin' RodeoKelsey Lensegrav is currently 2nd in the Central Rocky Mountain Region in the barrel racing.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino