It doesn't matter that they belong to President Barack Obama — first family dogs Bo and Sunny had to go through Hawaii's strict quarantine procedures to travel to the islands for their holiday vacation.
Hawaii's human services officials and groups that help the homeless are skeptical about a program that would help fly homeless people back to the mainland.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A resurgent Rick Santorum swept primaries in Alabama and Mississippi Tuesday night, upending the race for the Republican presidential nomination yet again and nudging Newt Gingrich toward the sidelines.
Mitt Romney finished third in both states, but he salvaged a win in the Hawaii caucuses and won the support of all nine delegates at GOP caucuses in American Samoa...
Just like it did last year, Hawaii snagged the top spot in Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which ranks the happiness level of each state.
The index bases happiness on a combination of six factors: emotional health, physical health, healthy lifestyle, job satisfaction, access to health care and safe places to exercise, and, finally, life evaluation — which includes a self-evaluation about your