Luckily, Rock the Block, Casper's Downtown party that takes place every Thursday in the summer, is not a property of Yellowstone Garage; it's the creation of Dynamic Sound and Lighting, a local events promoter with an incredible sound system.
After a two-year hiatus, The Nicolaysen Art Museum has announced the return of Nic Fest- a 3-day event in downtown Casper that will feature art, food, music, and so much more.
Amid reports that some downtown Casper business owners are frustrated with the construction that has currently closed down part of 2nd street, from David street to Durbin street, the City of Casper has responded to some of the criticism and has tried to put business owners a little bit more at ease.
The City of Casper Streets Division has announced that they will be closing a downtown portion of 2nd Street for close to a month, beginning October 4.
I think David Street Station is everything that’s good about Casper. Coming down there, meeting people, having fun, smiling, meeting new friends, seeing old friends. Casper, this is yours.