The city of Casper, along with the Casper Police Department announced the purchase of the Casper Business Center, where the city police will eventually be housed.
"I'm the first one to say that the City of Casper has been such an exciting place to start your business in," one business owner said. "I felt welcomed. I felt cared about. But this, in particular, has been extremely detrimental to us, just in the last two days. I can only imagine what a month of this is going to be like."
We see logos every single day in Casper. We see them when we are driving, watching TV, and scrolling through Facebook. Even though you may have seen a certain logo thousands of times, could you correctly identify it next to a similar one? It may not be as easy as you think.
Videos to Go, one of Wyoming's last remaining video stores, is closing its doors after more than 20 years. And this weekend, August 28 and 29, they are offering one last, huge, blowout sale.