A spokesman for Casper College in Wyoming says the school was wrong to have blamed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for cancelling an upcoming speech by a State Department official.
Heavy snows, downed power lines and Power outages have closed the University of Wyoming in Laramie.
Because of the school being closed, it has also caused some Casper College/UW classes to be cancelled.
Those affected include:
MOLB 3000 at 1pm
LIFE 3500 at 2:30 pm
PSYC 4150 at 4pm
ADED 5660 at 4pm
POLS 4710/5710 at 7pm
All other UW-Casper onsite classes will run as scheduled...
The Teton County School District canceled Shelly Donahue's speech after a number of parents complained that her message is unscientific, ineffective and likely to give students a bad impression of themselves and each other.