PhotoFest! Boys State Cross CountryPhotoFest! Boys State Cross CountryThe weather was great for the runners and fans alikeFrank GambinoFrank Gambino
PhotoFest! Riverton Cross Country MeetPhotoFest! Riverton Cross Country MeetThis meet was held at the 1838 Rendezvous site.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino
PhotoFest: State Track-SaturdayPhotoFest: State Track-SaturdayIt was a super day to end the track season.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino
PhotoFest: State Track-FridayPhotoFest: State Track-FridayThe Friday session of State Track is always eventful.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino
PhotoFest: State Track and Field-ThursdayPhotoFest: State Track and Field-ThursdaySome athletes had their sights set on class and over recordsFrank GambinoFrank Gambino
State Track Meet Saturday: Boys CompetitionState Track Meet Saturday: Boys CompetitionThere were a ton of outstanding athletes in this meet, as usualFrank GambinoFrank Gambino
State Track Meet Saturday: Girls CompetitionState Track Meet Saturday: Girls CompetitionThe weather was perfect for the final day of State TrackFrank GambinoFrank Gambino
State Track and Field Meet Cruises Along in CasperState Track and Field Meet Cruises Along in CasperPleasant temperatures and no wind at the State Track Meet? Yes indeed!Frank GambinoFrank Gambino
Wyoming State Track and Field Meet Begins in CasperWyoming State Track and Field Meet Begins in CasperIt was a bit rainy to start but it turned out to be a decent day weather wise.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino
PhotoFest: Wyoming Track ClassicPhotoFest: Wyoming Track ClassicThe top 8 times in the track events and the top 9 marks in the field events were invited to this meet.Frank GambinoFrank Gambino