The Boy Scouts of America's action Monday to lift a ban on gay leaders so far hasn't met with opposition among scouting programs in Wyoming, its state executive director said Tuesday.
Under an order by the Oregon Supreme Court, over 1,200 confidential files were released by the Boy Scouts of America earlier this month. The files gave insight into how the youth organization internally handled its cases of sexual abuse.
According to a Los Angeles Times database, over 5,000 men were implicated from 1947 to 2009
Here's a look at some interesting events that took place on this day in history:
1752 – Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity (More info)
1775 – George Washington is appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army (More info)
The Riverbend District of the Boy Scouts Of America invite all shooters to join them at the Stuckenhoff Shooters Complex to compete for prizes and help out the District with this unique fundraiser.