Judge Allows Lawsuit to Ban Bear Baiting in Idaho, WyomingJudge Allows Lawsuit to Ban Bear Baiting in Idaho, WyomingThe two states have restrictions on where bait can be used to hunt black bears.Associated PressAssociated Press
Forest Service Opposes Bear-Baiting Ban in Idaho, WyomingForest Service Opposes Bear-Baiting Ban in Idaho, WyomingBoth states offer help to hunters in identifying black bears and grizzly bears.Associated PressAssociated Press
Groups Seek Ban on Bear-Baiting in Idaho, Wyoming ForestsGroups Seek Ban on Bear-Baiting in Idaho, Wyoming ForestsWyoming prohibits the practice in grizzly bear recovery areas.Associated PressAssociated Press
Lawsuit Over Wyoming Bear BaitingLawsuit Over Wyoming Bear BaitingMost bear hunters practice bear baiting, especially during the springtime.Associated PressAssociated Press