Wyoming Lawmaker Reprimanded by House Speaker; Vows to Do BetterWyoming Lawmaker Reprimanded by House Speaker; Vows to Do BetterNo disciplinary action will be taken against Minority Whip Rep. Karlee Provenza, D-Laramie, for a controversial post she made on social media.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Weld County Sheriff Says Antifa Disrupted Law Enforcement RallyWeld County Sheriff Says Antifa Disrupted Law Enforcement RallyReams said downtown Denver had "Homeless camps all over the place, windows boarded up on the Capitol building, graffiti EVERYWHERE, and piles of human waste in public areas."Doug RandallDoug Randall
Poll: Should the KKK be Designated as a Terrorist Organization?Poll: Should the KKK be Designated as a Terrorist Organization?Several Change.org petitions regarding the violent white supremacist group have seen widespread support in the past week or so.Nick LearnedNick Learned
As President Blames Antifa, Protest Records Show Scant EvidenceAs President Blames Antifa, Protest Records Show Scant EvidenceThe records show more than 85% of those charged were locals.Associated PressAssociated Press
False Claims of Antifa Protesters Plague Small U.S. CitiesFalse Claims of Antifa Protesters Plague Small U.S. CitiesThe tweet was shared hundreds of times and cited in online news articles.Associated PressAssociated Press
No, Those School Buses Did Not Bring Protesters to CasperNo, Those School Buses Did Not Bring Protesters to CasperShe did say further information may be available Tuesday afternoon.Nick LearnedNick Learned