Obama to Hold First Twitter Town Hall; Biden Starts Tweeting
President Barack Obama is set to hold his first Twitter town hall on Wednesday.
The president will answer questions submitted by using the #AskObama hashtag via a live webcast at 2 p.m. ET at askobama.twitter.com.
An official Twitter account has been set up for the town hall and those interested can follow @townhall for updates.
The town hall will come a day after Vice President Joe Biden joined the social media outlet. Biden opened the Twitter account @VP on Monday and the first tweet from his office read, “VP & Dr. B hope you take time to think about our troops & military families this Independence Day, Happy 4th from OVP! @JoiningForces
It is unclear whether the vice president will personally post tweets from the account or if messages will be posted by his staff.
As for the town hall, Obama is set to answer questions about the economy and jobs.